Many adults snore regularly, which can disrupt them and their partners. Snoring occurs when air moves through your airway and causes the tissues to vibrate, resulting in the characteristic snoring sound. Luckily, you can do a few things to lessen or stop your snoring. Here are some of them:
1. Wear a Nasal Strip or Dilator
There are two types of nasal dilators: external and internal. External nasal dilators stick to the outside of the nose and use adhesive to try and retain their shape. This pulls the skin on the nose outward and opens up the nasal passages. On the other hand, internal nasal dilators work by pushing outward from the inside of the nose. Although both types of nasal dilators have been proven to reduce snoring, studies have shown that internal nasal dilators are more effective.
2. Use an Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece
There are two main types of anti-snoring mouthpieces: those that push your tongue forward, and those that hold your jaw in a forward position. Both types work by keeping your airway open while you sleep.
A mandibular advancement device is a type of mouthguard that is designed to help reduce snoring. The mouthguard is molded to fit your teeth and then adjusted, so your lower jaw moves forward. This minor jaw realignment can help reduce the amount of snoring that you do.
A tongue retaining device is a mouthpiece that fits between the teeth and helps to stabilize the tongue. This can help to reduce snoring intensity by keeping the tongue from falling back into the throat.
Anti-snoring dental devices can reduce snoring and improve mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. However, self-diagnosis and self-treatment of sleep apnea are not recommended. A dental device for sleep apnea should only be used with your doctor’s approval.
3. Sleep on Your Side
The position you sleep in can affect how often you snore. People tend to snore more when they sleep on their backs but less when they sleep on their sides. Some research suggests that head position may be more important than body position when it comes to snoring. People are less likely to snore when their heads are turned to the side.
If you snore at night, try to sleep on your side instead of your back. This may help to stop snoring. If you have trouble sleeping on your side, you can try using pillows to help you stay in that position.
4. Avoid Alcohol Before Bed
Drinking alcohol can make you snore more loudly and cause obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder where you stop breathing for short periods while you sleep. If you drink alcohol, try to cut back on the amount you drink, and don’t drink any alcohol in the few hours before you go to bed.
Snoring is a problem that many people face every night. There are many ways to stop snoring, but not all are effective. Some of the most effective methods to stop snoring include sleeping on your side, using a pillow to prop up your head, and avoiding alcohol before bed. If you are struggling to stop snoring, you should consult a doctor to find the best treatment option.
At Lethbridge Snoring and Sleep Apnea Clinic, we’re passionate about helping our patients achieve better sleep health. We provide sleep testing to help understand and assess underlying sleep conditions and provide the right treatment. If you’re looking for a sleep apnea clinic in Lethbridge, we can help! Get in touch with us today!